Friday, May 19, 2017

The Lewinsky Scandal

President Clinton's relationship with White House intern Monica Lewinsky became public following Paula Jones suing Clinton for sexual harassment during his time as Governor of Arkansas. They tried to dig up any similar instances, while at the same time Monica told her friend Linda Tripp what happened and that they were just fooling around. It turns out that Linda was actually taping their conversations and set Monica up with FBI agents that fed her lies to get information. The Drudge Report's coverage of the scandal was the beginning of internet news. It showed that people will always make things up online, and that "fake news" exists in order to get clicks. The coverage spread like wildfire around the internet, and showed how powerful it can be. After lying about their relationship multiple times, President Clinton was impeached for obstruction of justice. However, he does not get removed from office because there was not a 2/3 majority vote. In the end, he was impeached because he lied and not because of their sexual relationship. Had he told the truth from the start, I do not think that things would have blown so far out of proportion.

1 comment:

  1. I do believe that if he had been honest much of the drama and scandal would have been removed from the situation. Many Americans would be able to overlook the affair in his overall presidency becasue it is not unknown that politicians and people make such mistakes.
